How not to make 5 Beginners Mistakes in Kubernetes — LinuxTechLab
Originally designed by Google, Kubernetes is a self-described ‘open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.’ It is essentially an alternative and upgraded infrastructure option that provides better management of applications, faster application development, and deployment, lower infrastructure costs. Hordes of businesses and companies are expected to migrate to this powerful container management tool and employing the appropriate tech wizards to do it. However, controversial to popular opinion, IT professionals are not magicians and will have to learn how to install and use Kubernetes.
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As with all new tool implementation, there will naturally be some beginner mistakes in Kubernetes. We’ve highlighted some of the most common mistakes in Kubernetes when setting up and using Kubernetes.
When Kubernetes commands do not work as expected, there is a strong chance that the namespace is missing from the command. A namespace is implemented in environments with many users which is why it’s an essential aspect of Kubernetes, a program designed for container orchestration. In businesses, this may be multiple teams across the company or department. Namespaces can provide the resources of the Kubernetes cluster to multiple users.
Commands and objects with the same namespace have access to the same control policies. If a command is made without specifying a namespace the deployment or service will end u in the default namespace which is unlikely to be the intention and will result in an ineffective command. It is essential to get into the habit of always specifying a namespace when using Kubernetes.
In Kubernetes, it is vital to check which cluster is currently active before implementing any further commands. A Kubernetes cluster is made up of a master node and a set of worker nodes with a minimum of one worker node and the master node. A node is the smallest unit of computing hardware, most probably a single machine within the company although a node could be anything.
Instead of working with individual nodes, it is much more common to work with a cluster as the master node maintains the state of each node and deploying programs onto a cluster automatically distributed it to the nodes. Running commands against the wrong cluster can cause disruption and will lead to failing commands which is why users need to ensure that the cluster URL is correct.
Transferring from Kubernetes from a test version to implementing it across entire systems will undoubtedly bring up a few issues and security risks. Teams that properly plan for the process and try and minimize faults will fare much better than teams who rush the move. It’s important not to ignore the details in configuration and hardening which often happens when people speed through or ignore sections of testing as there will undoubtedly be unsatisfactory results.
Programmers should make sure managers and companies are aware of the amount of time that will be needed for sufficient testing, so they are not pressured to rush through and cause delays and problems further down the road.
Misconfiguration of Kubernetes settings can lead to severe security risks. A handy feature of Kubernetes is that development and deployment can be given broad permissions to access as systems or hardware as necessary. Misconfiguration, however, can result in some privileges or accessibilities that are found to be too broad when Kubernetes moves to production.
Having a too broad network for deployments can be a major security risk as it increases the scope that an attacker has to target. Additionally, the deployment of workloads into a shared namespace means that workloads are not secure. Perfecting the Kubernetes system for the needs and security optimization of each company will take time.
If you are personally not in control of the Kubernetes API, it is vulnerable to an attack. The API is the main administration point for entry into a cluster so if that becomes vulnerable, the whole cluster becomes vulnerable to attack. Additionally, it’s important to avoid the risk of configuring clusters with an authoritative entry point to the API because it provides an attacker with back door access to the API and the whole system from a single container.
Optimizing the Kubernetes implementation is a learning curve and programmers will have to adapt to various situations that may arise. The most important thing is to spend enough tie on the testing and configuration stages to try and make the move to production as smooth as possible & Mistakes in Kubernetes do not arise.
Molly Crockett writes at about her passion for tech, marketing and business. She offers advice and expertise to managers looking to optimize their business practices.
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Originally published at on March 29, 2020.